SEO Help Offers

August 13, 2023

SEO Help Promotions keywords: seo help promotions, website promotion emails, seo help offers, website promotion offers I am a judgment expert who writes often. Because I have at least a modestly popular website, every day I get at least 100 emails (spams) from people saying they can help me with my website. The typical email sent (often with several misspelled words) is usually similar to this:

“My name is Ms. SEO Expert, email marketing executive. We are a website designing and development company based in India working for many clients in USA, UK, and Australia. We have a network of more than 100 professionals that do the very best work. As our special promotional offer, we are designing 4-5 page website in HTML 5 for $150 per website, with an expert custom design based on your content sent to us in plain text, your domain and hosting, and your images (one free revision allowed). For an extra charge, we can provide extra design services, WordPress, and/or a custom blog. Please contact us to show you our past work and our website.”

There are three problems with such email promotions:

1) They often come from emails not associated with any company, for example [email protected]. If they have a company and a website; shouldn’t their email come from their domain, for example: [email protected]?

2) Usually, what is on a website (your content) and how, and how long you Ma it, is a lot more important than the way it is designed. One should usually not expect miracles from a typical website redesign.

3) Almost always, such email promotions do not offer any specific comments or suggestions for your current site. Every website has its own features, needs, and redesign requirements. Just because you can redesign your website, does not mean you should. The best website redesigns usually come incrementally over time, or from a well-thought-out plan for their redesign. Redesigning your website is something to do when it needs doing, not something to do every (e.g., 3) years. Also, some websites (like mine) remain complex for a reason; to help screen out tire-kickers, and attract more intelligent people, and/or at least folks willing to read.

Another email promotion sent to those with at least modestly big and popular websites, is similar to: “If you sign up this month, we can offer you a special price of $150 per month, so you can achieve top SEO results. Every month, we will enter 200 manual directory submissions, 50 social book marketing submissions, write both a press release and an article about your website, post reviews on over 20 blogs; and will also review your title tags, keywords, meta words, and more.” The best SEO solutions or companies are expensive, costing a lot of learning, time and/or money.

The problem with most “cheap” SEO optimization companies is they give you false hope. Search engines often ignore or penalize those with many external links designed only to fool search engines. If you sign up with a cheap SEO promotion company, you might potentially hurt your rankings.

The big search engines overwhelmingly care about two things more than anything else; the quantity and quality of the content on your site, and how many other authoritative websites mention and link to your site with their own relevant high-quality content.

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