When to Expect Resultsfrom Judgment Enforcement

August 13, 2023

JudgmentBuy is lightening fast.

The Judgment Enforcer (JE) we know, and will refer you to will send you their forms.

When the debtor has assets, qualified JEs usually do not let things sit around. However, courts and other entities can be slow. With budget cuts for courts and Sheriffs – there can be long delays not under anyone’s control. If can even take time for JudgmentBuy to find a (qualified) JE local to your debtor. (It’s worth the wait.)

How the assignment of judgment procedure works with most JEs:

After you mail back the signed agreement to the JE, and the signed and notarized Assignment form – the JE makes a copy for themselves. Then the JE brings or sends the original notarized Assignment form to the court. Then the court stamps it with their endorsement.

This gives the JE the legal right to enforce your judgment. Then the search for available assets begins, and if/when assets are (eventually) found, the JE requests permission from the court and then the Sheriff seizes the debtor’s available assets. After the Sheriff releases the judgment debtor’s funds – you get your money.

When the JE is an attorney or a collection agency, you retain ownership of your judgment, yet you must complete their paperwork to proceed.

Contact Us

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In what state does your debtor reside in? *
Please estimate the original amount of your judgment. *
Any additional information you think might help us?
Please upload a copy of your judgment if available
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