When searching the net, I often read how easy it is to make big money and become rich, without working too hard, in the exciting career of enforcing judgments.
Judgment enforcers have a similar success rates as musicians. In both fields, a lot of people dabble. Relatively few study, work and practice enough, for long enough, to make good money.
Judgment enforcement takes a lot of study, and that leads people to search for training courses. This is my experience, observations, and opinions on the different judgment training courses I either know, or have checked out on the web. (See our Judgment Databases article.)
Most training courses have two parts. The first part is the initial package – a book, a PDF, a training event, a tape, etc. The next part is perhaps more important – is the follow-up after the first part. Many of the better courses include access to an email list, or a web-based BBS (Bulletin Board System) forum.
www.JudgmentRecoveryCourse.com – One-time fee of $249. ($50 off if you show proof you have purchased another course.) Dr. Peter Gilboy’s very good course comes as a short course in a binder. Peter does not waste words. His writing style is perfect, friendly, concise, well-edited, and informative. The course includes examples of real-world forms used for judgment enforcement.
Included with Peter Gilboy’s course is lifelong membership in his list group. There are very sharp and mostly helpful people on this list. Peter is very smart, and he responds quick and is very helpful.
Kenneth Brennan has written a brand new book (May 2011) on Judgment Recovery, about $30, see: https://www.createspace.com/3606783 – Great for any new JE!
Chapter 1. Introduction to Judgment Enforcement Assignment of Judgment * Purchasing Judgments * Before You Accept Assignment * Due Diligence * Bankruptcy and Exemption * Memorandum of Costs * Expiration and Renewal.
Chapter 2. Assets and Asset Discovery Methods of Discovery * Using Credit Reports * Domesticating Judgments * Foreign Judgments.
Chapter 3. Detective Work Pretext * Surveillance * Skip Tracing * Social Security Truncation * Investigative Methods and Resources.
Chapter 4. Collection and Enforcement Collection Tactics * Enforcement Tactics * Levying Officers and Professionals You Will Meet * Legal Remedies * Judgment Debtor Examination (JDX) * Garnishment * Levy * Liens * Till Tap and Keeper.
Chapter 5. The Debtor Fights Back Tackling Exemptions * Dealing With Bankruptcy * Fraudulent Conveyance * Divorce * Change of Name * Death of a Debtor and Probate Process * Satisfaction of Judgment.
Chapter 6. Ethics of Judgment Enforcement
Chapter 7. Your Business Business Class * Insurance / E and O * Business License * Fictitious Name * EIN * Notary Public * Home Office * Business Marketing * Finding Judgment Creditors.
Appendix I. Glossary of Terms and Legal Definitions.
Appendix II. Business Record Subpoena and Registered Agent.
Appendix III. Cincinnati Bar Vs. Midwest Recovery Services.
Appendix IV. Revised Uniform Enforcement Act.
Appendix V. Hague Foreign Judgment Convention.
www.NationalJudgment.net (NJN) – One-time fee of $149. Claude Dickerson’s masterpiece of a web site with support for judgment enforcers nationwide. They have a discussion forum. The NJN site also has many benefits, such as a judgment course as a PDF, form letters that may be adapted to your specific needs, payment calculators, and a vast array of tools, links, a database case management program, etc. NJN helps both newbies and experienced judgment enforcers. No matter what State you are in, you will find the NJN valuable. However, at NJN is politics that are part of the equation of what can be discussed, and what cannot, and auto-moderation that makes experienced enforcers leery of posting.
www.CAJP.org – $255 per year (prices tend to go up every year). The California Association of Judgment Professionals is worth the price – especially if you are located in California. This is a group you must qualify for. You must already have enforced a judgment.
You must also show proof of having a business/DBA/Corp, to show you are a company. As many judgment enforcers work alone under their own name – this seems a bit silly.
The CAJP does not include a manual, but its web site has many years of posts and forums to read. The CAJP has many training courses in California. Those courses are reasonably priced and include manuals. In summary, the CAJP has very smart people, great seminars and webinars, great email list and forum. However, you must pay every year, and is of most use to California judgment enforcers.
www.JudgmentRecoveryBook.com – $149. You get Barry Goldman’s great book “The REAL WORLD Judgment Recovery Guidebook”, and a semi-active support email list. Barry is a world-class Judgment Enforcer and a Process Server.
www.jrinstitute.org – Petra Alluis. Not the >most cost effective route, but their course/system is in a class by itself for people who are new to the business. Full hands on, all inclusive training. Jrinstute has many resources you cannot find anywhere else.
Next are the courses that I have not taken, but have heard are real and very good:
www.RecoveryCourse.com – $175. Christina Smiley’s course, I have heard good things consistently, has a good support list, with extra support for newbies. A very popular course, and an active support email list.
www.JudgmentManagementSystem.info – $100. Windows database for Judgment Enforcers. I hear good things about this.
And now, the courses I have seen on the web, and have not heard about:
www.JudgmentManager.com – software for Judgment Enforcers using Windows – sale going on right now. Seems interesting, but I have not checked it out.
www.SeikoSoft.com – software for Judgment Enforcers – web based, that’s very good for software programs. Seems interesting, but I have not checked it out.
www.JudgmentRecoveryPlan.com – this is just $20, and the guy seems to be real – but it’s a modest product.
www.info-inc.com – $270 – too optimistic, for Windows computers only.
www.LegalRevenueService.com and JudgmentProcessing.com $140 – too many pop ups on the web site and too optimistic claims. Lance Toft.
Albert Schweitzer – www.JudgmentRecoveryCourseOnline.com and www.CourtCash.com. $495. I only know one person who has taken this course and did not think it was a good value.
www.The-Results-Team.com/judgmentrecovery.htm and www.SuplusFindsRiches.com – $297, too optimistic. I do not know anyone who has taken this course.
www.JudgmentRecovery4u.com – I do not know anyone who has taken this course. Only $77, only a bit too optimistic, but he throws in a coupon for a mini vacation to exotic places like Branson, MO.
www.SmallClaimsProcessing.com – I do not know anyone who has taken this course. $97, way too optimistic. Web page has that rotten pop-up when you hit your “back” button. No thanks, no “ExitSlash” stuff for me.
www.LegalRecoveryBusiness.com – $349 for a seminar and training. Too optimistic. I do not know anyone who has taken this course.
www.JudgmentCenter.com – and Judgment CollectionTraining.com and www.allhomebased.com/judgments.htm – $75 Looks interesting, I don not know anyone who has taken this course.
www.JudgmentRecoveryCourseHelp.com – a funny joke, they try to sell you carpeting for floors.
www.JudgmentRecoveryTraining.com – pop-ups, no, not worth checking into.
www.InfoSearch.com – does not look too interesting.
www.FreeJudgmentCourse.com – Blaring get rich quick. Turn your computer speaker off, it blasts sounds and videos at you. Maybe it is free – but it does not look and sound worth finding out.
I am sorry time limits prevented me from buying or getting every course mentioned here. I am sorry for basing some conclusions on pop-up ads and guaranteed get rich quick claims.
For free, check out JudgmentBuy’s articles
It is a good idea to check www.RipOffReport.com before ordering any training course.