
The Power Of Zero

I am a judgment broker that writes often. I have learned to love the zero. In this article, zero means when nothing is coming in, and the world seems to be sleeping. Most businesses now experience many slow periods. And, for most businesses, from (e.g., 4:45 PM to 9 AM) every business day, and holidays […]

The National Judgment Network

Because I am a judgment broker, I have a very unique expertise and perspective on many topics related to judgments, judgment recovery, contingency collection lawyers, judgment training providers, and judgment recovery associations and organizations. This article is about the National Judgment Network (NJN, www.NationalJudgment.net), started in 1998 by Mr. Claude Dickerson. Claude is a well-known expert […]

The Lone Judgment Enforcer

Q: Other Judgment Enforcers or Judgment Enforcement companies seem to have several people and departments. With only one email address and phone number, how can JudgmentBuy, or any one Judgment Enforcer, compete with a team? A: The skill of judgment enforcer recovering your judgment is usually much more important than the size of their company. Even when […]

The Last Computer User

I am a judgment broker who writes often. I might one day become the last person to own and use a computer. I am amazed at these times, where most new computer-related things are coming out as Apps. Most often, these new things are only available on a portable device, not a regular laptop or […]

The Judgment Recovery Business

While there are exceptions, most people make good money enforcing judgments – only by studying, working, and learning for years. (Ignore any web sites telling you this is a way to get rich quick or easily.) The Judgment recovery business is an opportunity for hard working individuals to earn a good living enforcing or finding […]

The Golden Judgment

We see a lot judgments, and many people think their judgments are much more valuable than they actually are. With the value of gold and other precious metals going through the roof, there is increased interest in investments and opportunities that involve precious metal ore. Precious metal ore is basically valuable dirt. However, such dirt has a […]

The Fifth Amendment And Judgments

Although most judgment debtor examinations take place in hallways or areas away from the judge, occasionally a judgment debtor will attempt to invoke “their 5th Amendment rights”, and say they cannot answer your question(s), because answering your questions might lead to self-incrimination. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. I am a judgment […]

The Economy And Judgments

Because of the economic mess, everyone in the collection business is really hurting, or at least they are not making very much money now. Stand-alone judgment enforcers and sole practice contingency collection attorneys are hurting the most. The reason is because recovering judgments is expensive, and every judgment recovery action costs more money. In a […]

The Eagle Data Macintosh Database

I am a Judgment Broker who writes about many topics. In my job, I communicate with many people around the country. Like any business, not everyone that contacts me is “ready to buy”, because the world has many frauds, fools, window shoppers, and tire kickers. Because my business involves private data, I need total security, […]

The Different Court Types

There are many different types of courts. The four basic types are state, federal, civil, and criminal. Criminal and civil lawsuits can be heard/decided in either federal or state courts. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. I am a judgment broker, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal […]