
Settling Difficult Judgments

I am not a lawyer. If you need legal advice, contact a lawyer (See our National Lawyer State Bar List). Although not many courts or lawyers will admit it, smart people know that most judgments are never recovered. There are many reasons for this, some of which include: laws do not make it easy to enforce […]

Settlements And Judgments

It is usually very good news, when you settle a big judgment for less than the full amount owed. $100 in hand beats a chance at $100 over time. Many judgment-related settlements tend to make the underlying judgments obsolete, however it does not have to be this way. I am a Judgment Broker, not a […]

Serving In The Courtroom

It is not a good idea to serve someone in a courtroom while the judge is there because judges hate it. Why is this so despised? Judges look on appearances at the courthouse as being mandatory, and that the totality of consequences is to be dispensed only from the judge. If somebody gets served at […]

Service Of Charging Orders

In California, it may not be fair, however the sole remedy for a judgment creditor to take possession of a judgment debtor’s interest and rights (and liabilities) to LLC ownership or distributions (or a general or limited partnership) is a charging order (CCP 699.720(a)). One of many judgment articles: I am a Judgment Broker, not […]

Service By Publication

Service by publication is defined when notice of a lawsuit against a defendant is done by publishing a notice with an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation. Service by publication is the weakest way to serve notice of a lawsuit, because nobody gets personally served. Although almost made obsolete by the internet because of […]

SEO Help Offers

SEO Help Promotions keywords: seo help promotions, website promotion emails, seo help offers, website promotion offers I am a judgment expert who writes often. Because I have at least a modestly popular website, every day I get at least 100 emails (spams) from people saying they can help me with my website. The typical email […]

Selling your Judgment for Cash

Mr. Bill Fason, once wisely wrote: “Most creditors (if they are not professional finance people) at first look upon their money judgments as if they had found a Golden Ticket to visit Willy Wonka’s factory”. “Eventually, the cold harsh reality sets in as they (sometimes eventually) discover that their bad paper may have a street […]

Selling A Debtor’s Home

This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. If you ever need legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. What if your judgment debtor refuses to repay the money judgment they owe you, yet they live in, or own, a nice property. […]

Screening Judgments

When deciding whether to take a creditor’s judgment, what factors should you consider? If you look up only the judgment debtor with very basic searches, it may not include a reliable asset search. With permissible purpose, can you simply order credit reports? That can become very expensive. This article is my opinion, and not legal […]

Saving Money On Gas

Deregulation is a good thing. Already, in more than 18 states including Texas, California, and the East and central coast; one can buy their (cooking and heating) gas from someone else, besides their old utility company, and save a lot of money. This article shares what I recently learned about an easy way to save […]