
What To Do If You Win a Judgment

You won your case in court and got your judgment. The time delay before you can enforce the judgment has passed. You wrote the judment debtor a letter, asking to be paid, and they did not respond. You called the debtor and they laughed and hung up. What to do with your judgment? Your choices […]

What is that RSS Feed thing?

Q: What is RSS? Why do you have it? Why Do I Need it? A: The acronym RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a data standard to help move content upon request to a web site or a reader program. Yahoo, MSN, and Google have RSS support built in. There are many free […]

What is judgment enforcement about?

At every courthouse – there should be a sign that says:         “When you win a judgment – don’t expect to be paid”. When you win a civil money judgment – very often, the debtor won’t (or can’t) pay you. Many people are surprised to learn – that the court does not help you get […]

What is a Judgment Enforcement Agency?

There are more than one web sites that describe themselves as being a national judgment enforcement agency. There is nothing wrong with having a web site with a name resembling “Judgment Enforcement Agency”. However, it is important to understand that most web sites that say or imply this, are not actually national judgment enforcement agencies. […]

What is a Judgment Broker?

A Judgment Broker is an entity that quickly (and for free) helps original judgment creditors (the entity that won the lawsuit and owns the judgment, or now owns the judgment) find the right expert to buy or recover their judgment. Judgment Brokers help all good people in the judgment enforcement business. The term and concept […]

What Is A Judgment?

Most people that win judgments do not fully understand what they are. A judgment is an order/decision from a court that states one party owes money to another party. Judgments start as lawsuits/claims that a judge or court, makes a confirming decision on; to create a judgment. Almost always, courts cannot help people collect judgments; […]

What if the Judgment Enforcer gets Sued?

Q: If I assign my judgment to a judgment enforcer, and they pursue enforcement in their name – am I legally protected from any lawsuits in the unlikely event of you guys violating any laws in enforcing the judgment? A: JudgmentBuy never owns your judgment and does not contact debtors. Both JudgmentBuy and judgment enforcers […]

What if the Judgment Creditor died?

Q: My relative died, and I am the executor of their estate. Can a judgment be enforced when the named creditor is no longer here? A: Sorry for your loss. Yes, it is easy to proceed in this situation. You simply sign the paperwork: Person (Your name), Executor for Person (The deceased’s name).

What if the debtor dies?

Q: What if my debtor dies while a judgment enforcer is enforcing my judgment? A: This is not good for anyone. If the debtor dies – the judgment enforcer (JE) lets you know. If you learn of this, let the JE know. JEs usually get notice from the lawyer handling the probate or estate. JEs […]

What if I want my judgment back?

Q: If I am not happy with a judgment enforcer’s service, do I have a legal right to ask them to give the judgment back to me so I can find another judgment enforcer? If so, how much I owe you or them, if anything? A: First, judgment enforcers are not a service, they now […]