
Satisfaction Of Judgment

Whenever a judgment debtor pays off or settles a judgment, the creditor must (or at least should) file a proof of satisfaction at the court where the judgment was obtained. A satisfaction of judgment is a (correctly filled out and usually notarized) court form that is filed and endorsed (stamped) by the court. Only a […]

Santa Clara Judgments

The Santa Clara County Superior Court system of California has locations in the five California cities of San Jose, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Morgan Hill, and Santa Clara. The Santa Clara County Superior Court has jurisdiction over small claims, civil, criminal, family, juvenile, and traffic matters. Related Santa Clara County agencies are the Santa County Sheriff’s […]

Safe Deposit Box Levies

Bank levies are the first things to try, when you want to attempt to recover your judgment. This being the case, the first information to try to discover is where your judgment debtor banks. Most judgment debtors do not maintain bank safe deposit boxes (or Safety Deposit Boxes – SDBs), however some do. All bank […]

Robot Forum Moderation

I am a Judgment Broker that writes a lot. This article is my opinion on why automated forum moderation software and systems are not always a good idea. Online forums are supposed to be places for the free exchange of ideas and experiences, with mutual assistance and the exchange of information. On most forums, some […]

Rinsing Your Sinuses

I am a judgment broker who writes often. The first time someone reads or hears about rinsing out their sinuses (actually, there are four main hollow sinus cavities with many tiny pockets that all can hold mucus within your head and put pressure on your brain, I know this, most doctors do not), they usually […]

Reverse Osmosis Filters

The tap water that comes out of your faucet is perfect. Get a filter or be a filter. Which of these two sentences are more true? Both are partially true. In many places, tap water does not taste very good. In other places, tap water have tiny amounts of substances you would not want to […]

Returning Lemon Judgments

As of 2016, most civil judgments are never paid; because the judgment debtors have insufficient current available assets. Most creditors are far too optimistic about the short and long-term values of their judgments. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. I am a judgment referral expert, and am not a lawyer. If you […]

Returning Judgments

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice, based on my experience in California. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. When getting into the judgment recovery business, most people do not think about returning […]

Return Clauses And Bailment

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker). This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. Nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice. If you ever need legal advice or a strategy to use, you should […]

Can restitution judgments be recovered?

Yes – if you have received a (California example) CR-110/JV-790 form (Order for Restitution and Abstract of Judgment) from the court – then you or a Judgment Enforcer can enforce a restitution order/judgment. However, can they be assigned to a judgment enforcer? That depends on which state. Sometimes the court clerks at criminal court know […]