
Res Judicata

Res Judicata is a Latin phrase that means a certain matter has already been decided. In courts, it means a preclusion against making a repeated claim. A preclusion situation happens when a final judgment has already been decided. That previously adjudicated matter cannot be brought again to the attention of a court. An alternate meaning […]

Rescuing Judgments

For decades, most judgment enforcers have provided a vital role by helping people that want their judgments recovered, when their judgment situations did not interest pure contingency attorneys. When someone is not an attorney, they cannot represent anyone else, and for that reason, many judgments are assigned to non-attorney judgment enforcers. My articles are my […]

Representing Yourselfin Small Claims Court

This article is about what to expect, and how to prepare for going to small claims court. The money limits and rules for small claims courts vary a lot by State and County. Here is a link with a summary for all states: http://law.freeadvice.com/resources/smallclaimscourts.htm Small claims describe courts where money disputes (up to a relatively […]

Rental Deposit Levies

I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. If you ever need legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. What if your judgment debtor is sneaky, and does not have a regular […]

Judgment Renews And Debtors Going BK

What if you have an old judgment that needs to be renewed soon, however you checked on Pacer (a federal web site to check if someone went bankrupt) that your debtor filed for bankruptcy protection, and you were not listed as a creditor; and you renewed the judgment while the debtor was going through a […]

Releasing Judgment Liens

One tool in judgment recovery is recording UCC and/or real estate property liens. Even when real estate prices are down, sometimes recording a judgment lien works. When it does work, or your judgment gets satisfied in any other way; all previous judgment-related liens should be removed ASAP. Who is responsible for removing any recorded liens […]

Rejecting A Judgment Solution

Every year, our company refers thousands of judgment owners to the very best judgment recovery experts. When creditors understand that buyers only pay what (the debtor can afford and might be made to pay) for judgments, we quickly refer them to reliable buyers. Over the years, we’ve found a lot of creditors do not go […]

Judgment Recovery Takes Time

My company helps judgment creditors (at no cost or any obligation) to quickly find the right judgment buyers or judgment recovery experts. More than 99% of the “complaints” we get, come in the form of two basic types of questions: 1) Why can’t you find me a judgment buyer? Almost always, the answer is that […]

Recovering Money Spent onRecovering a Judgment

Q: On the Judgment Enforcer’s form, there is no mention of the money I already spent trying to enforce this judgment – why is that? A: The Assignment Of Judgment form is designed to match what court clerks expect. Mentioning the costs you already spent is something that (for some reason) court clerks usually do […]

Recording Judgment Costs

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker). This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. Nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice. In this article, when “MC-12” is used, it means a Memorandum Of Costs […]