
Screening Judgments – Credit Reports

Many of the better judgment enforcers are now very picky about which judgments they will take. Many use two levels of screening, level one is done before they send paperwork to the Original Judgment Creditor (OJC), and level two is done when they get the paperwork back from the OJC; before they file the assignment […]

Proving What Your Debtor Owns

What if you have a judgment debtor with a non-common last name. What if public records show that they seem to own two houses? What if the public records show the same name as the owner of both houses, however the details about them are not exactly the same? What if their (perhaps truncated) dates […]

Pro Tem Judges

Most small claims court cases are relatively simple and most require only logic and a basic knowledge of the law to decide. An example of such a case would be if someone threw a rock through your window and broke it, and then did not pay you. At court, if you have pictures, witnesses, and […]

Protecting Retirement

For those in California with a judgment against them, your judgment creditor creditor might be able to collect from some of your retirement accounts. One of many judgment articles: I am a Judgment Broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion based on my experience in California, please consult with a lawyer if […]

Property Levies

In the old days, about 12-20 years ago, one could often enforce a judgment against a judgment debtor property owner by just recording a property lien. With home prices down, and so many upside down and no-equity situations; recording liens alone, often does not work, at least not as often as they they used to. […]

Proof Of Service Names

Proof Of Service (POS) is documented proof that a legal document or pleading has been delivered and properly served upon the proper party(s). POS must be served by a third-party. POS is always very important for each required step in a successful lawsuit or (at least a partial) recovery of a judgment. In California, some […]

Pro Hac Vice

Generally, one can only be legally represented by a lawyer within their own state, and that lawyer must be permitted to practice law in that state. Sometimes one wants to get something done (ordered) by a court in a different state. Some examples are for real estate purchases and sales, and in judgment recovery. One […]

Professional Judgment Shopping

Q: Why did you not answer my list of questions I emailed you? A: Are you (perhaps without realizing it) a professional judgment shopper? In your case, you had about 20 questions that all required a lot of research and very long answers. With JudgmentBuy, there is no longer a need to shop aroud. Your […]

Process Serving And Guards

What if your judgment debtor lives in a gated community that uses a wireless passkey automatic locking gate, or lives in a million dollar house in a gated community with a 24-hour guard station? What if you need to get your debtor served for a judgment debtor examination? The answer depends on which state, the […]

Problems With Captcha

I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker) who writes a lot. This article is my opinion about how Captcha and other challenge systems may have gone too far, much further than they should have gone. Captcha stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. The phrase was first used […]