Problem Judgment Creditors

In my job as a judgment broker, many times each day, judgment creditors ask me questions such as this: 1) How long will it take for you to find me a judgment buyer or enforcer?2) How long will it take for my judgment to be recovered?3) How much can I sell my judgment for right […]

Probate Profits

Real estate assets are always valuable. It is possible to make a profit from the legal system of the probate process. The way it can work is, when someone passes away; and there are both judgment creditors and assets in the dead person’s estate. Make sure you learn the probate-related laws in your state. The […]

Probate And Wills

Some people think that if they have a will, then when they die, everything will go instantly and automatically to their kids (or their spouse, or…) just like they stated in their will, period. It is just not that simple. One of many judgment articles: I am a Judgment Broker, not a lawyer, and this […]


Bank levies and garnishments are one of the primary methods of enforcing a money judgment. Usually, the hardest part of a bank levy, is finding out where your judgment debtor banks. Before 1999, one could legally lie to their judgment debtor to attempt to trick them into revealing the location of their bank. The parts […]

Prepaid Rent And Judgments

What if you have been trying to recover a judgment against a clever debtor that has prepaid their residential rent for three full years? They got no discount for prepaying their rent, because it was a lease with monthly payments. They probably prepaid their rent to put their money out of reach of creditors. One […]

Pre-Judgment Property Attachments

When real estate-owning defendants get sued, there is a chance they will give away, transfer, or sell their property, in an attempt to avoid paying the upcoming final judgment. When the lawsuit involves real estate ownership, one tool to use is a Lis Pendens, a document used to temporarily cloud the title of a defendant’s […]

Power Of Attorney

Being named a power of attorney does not make you an attorney. You do not have to be an attorney to be appointed as a Power Of Attorney (POA). Being named as a POA gives you a limited set of rights and choices to make on behalf of another person or entity. Power of attorney […]

Sinus Cleaning With Medical Weed

This article is only my opinion, based on my own experience, and I am not a doctor; and cannot give anyone any medical advice. I am a judgment broker that writes often. If you ever need any medical advice or have a medical problem, please contact a doctor. Like most people, I had no idea […]

Post Judgment Discovery

I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. Recovering a judgment requires learning relevant information about your judgment debtor and their assets. Usually, it is difficult to recover […]

Post Judgment Costs

Everyone knows that suing someone to win a judgment costs money. At the very minimum, the court must get paid and the defendant must be served. Not everyone knows that it also costs more money to attempt to recover the judgment. In a perfect world, where you were paid in full immediately after you won […]