
Notaries and Jurats

Notary Publics (Notaries) are people who complete training, pay fees, and get registered and licensed by their State to verify who is signing documents. Notaries must keep updating their training and pay fees for renewals to keep their notary registration status current in their state. Notarization is the procedure where a person signs documents and/or […]

Nonprofit Judgment Debtors

I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice, based on my experience in California. Laws vary in each state. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. One can do judgment recovery against a (judgment debtor) […]

New Jersey Judgment Enforcement

I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer. If you need legal advice, contact a lawyer (See our National Lawyer State Bar List). This is a summary of how to collect a judgment in the state of New Jersey. Here is a link to learn more, and to get the basic forms needed:   http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/prose/index.htm. A judgment […]

Why do you need a copy of my Judgment?

Q: Anyone can look up my case on the court’s web site – so why do you need a copy of my judgment? A: Court web sites are not 100% reliable. They are usually reliable – but dates and amounts on court web site are not guaranteed to be accurate. That is why JudgmentBut, judgment […]

Necessities Of Life Exemptions

The 2014 version of CCP (California Code of Civil Procedure) 706.051, covers the earnings necessary for the support of a judgment debtor, or a judgment debtor’s family: (a) For the purposes of this section, “family of the judgment debtor” includes the spouse or former spouse of the judgment debtor. (b) Except as provided in subdivision […]

Names On Levies

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment judgment Broker. This article is based on my experience in California. Laws vary in each state, and nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice. This article is my opinion about naming issues on writs of execution, levies, and garnishments. When requesting […]

Why Do They Need My Social Security Number?

Q. Why do some Judgment Enforcer and Lawyers want to know my social security number. I’m not the debtor, so why do they want it? A: The most common reason a judgment owner’s social security number is requested is to verify on PACER that the judgment owner has not filed for bankruptcy protection. The problem […]

My Prozac Nightmare

I am a judgment broker and I write about many topics. I thought I had a sinus problem that turned out to be a stomach problem. I got in trouble because doctors told me I had a Somatoform disorder caused by stress. They were very wrong. The cure was primarily exercise and my own discovery […]

My last Judgment Enforcer was a dud!

Q. I turned my judgment over to another judgment enforcement company a year ago, they have done nothing, can I send it to JudgmentBuy? Can your judgment enforcers do better? A: Most likely yes. Perhaps the reason “they have done nothing” is the debtor has nothing. Other reasons include that the debtor was too far […]

My judgment needs special timing

Q. My situation is special and needs special timing. A Judgment Enforcer (JE) told me they only take Nevada judgments when there are big assets there. My debtor has assets in California and Nevada – so I planned to assign my judgment to the JE, so they can search and collect his assets in every […]