10 MLM Tests For Scams

I am a Judgment Broker that writes often. In my job, I communicate with many judgment owners around the country. I see countless judgments against MLMs that were sued, by the people they scammed. Most of the judgments I have seen against MLMs will never be recovered. Many were served by publication (the weakest way […]

Missing Creditors

I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. It can take years or longer (and sometimes […]

Military Wage Garnishments

What if your judgment debtor works for the army, navy, air force, marines, or some other variety of Department Of Defense-related employer? In this case, judgment owners may attempt to recover their judgments using wage attachments; however there are some differences, when compared to regular wage levies.  To check whether your judgment debtor is in […]


I am a judgment broker, and I write about many topics. Most people know about Melatonin; however few know its full benefits, or how to use Melatonin properly. For most people, the proper time to take Melatonin is about 3-4 hours before bedtime. For most people, taking it just before you go to sleep does […]

MC-12 Forms With No Costs

One of the best ways to attempt to recover a judgment is to have the Sheriff or Marshall levy/garnish your judgment debtor’s bank account. This article is based on California, however the concepts here will probably be similar in many states. I am a judgment broker, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need […]

How to fill out MC-12 forms

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker). This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. Nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice. This article explains how to fill out a MC-12 California. How payments are […]

Massachusetts Judgment Enforcement

Because this is a summary of how to enforce a Massachusetts judgment, here are two links for more information: http://www.mass.gov/courts/selfhelp/index.html and http://www.mass.gov/legis/laws/mgl/gl-235-toc.htm. A judgment is a final order of a court, that shows a cash amount is owed by one party to another. The courts cannot help, so you must enforce it yourself, or get help to enforce […]

Marshall And Sheriff Levies

Every involuntary judgment collection attempt requires an official civil Sheriff or Marshall, and fees must be paid to them. In this article, Sheriff means either the Sheriff or the Marshall. In some jurisdictions, in the addition to the Sherriff, a registered process servers must also be hired. This article is my opinion, and not legal […]

Marketing Your Judgment

When you win your judgment and you cannot, or do not want to recover it yourself, or pay a lawyer to attempt to recover it; you might want to try to sell it. A judgment is not like a gold coin or a house or a car, and it cannot be exchanged for money at […]

Marketing Judgments

Selling a judgment is not like selling a house. When selling your home, the more people that know about it, the better chance for getting paid a higher price. Selling a judgment is more like selling an old car; the sale price depends on its age, model, condition; and often a qualified mechanic’s estimate. Selling […]