Marital Discovery
What if you are recovering a judgment against a debtor with a spouse, or who is going to, or already did get divorced; or there is some other kind of marital property situation going on? How can you get all information you need to attempt to recover your judgment? One of many judgment-related articles: I […]
Making Legal Characters
I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. If you are an attorney or a paralegal, you probably know very well how to make your word processing program […]
Make Or Buy Sinus Rinse?
I am a judgment broker that writes often. Many people (however not me, although I used to rinse my sinuses often during the recovery of my three sinus surgeries) are helped by rinsing their sinuses. Such rinses can help to prevent crusting and/or blockage within the sinus and nasal areas. If one rinses occasionally, or […]
Make Money Referring Judgments
For a judgment enforcer, or anyone else who is exposed to judgment leads in their hobby or line of work, selling judgment leads can bring current and future income. All judgment enforcers eventually learn its best to enforce judgments local to them. Most turn down judgments not local to them unless the judgment amount is […]
Make Money Finding Judgments
This article explains how anyone that either knows how (or can learn) to do marketing, search court web sites, or access court records, can make money finding and referring judgment leads. Note that about 95% of raw judgment leads do not pan out. The most profitable way to make money by referring judgment leads is […]
Why Did Your Recommended Judgment Buyer insult me?
Q. My debtor was in California. I sent my judgment to JudgmentBuy, and you recommended a judgment buyer to me. They offered me 2 cents on the dollar! Why did they insult me with such a low offer, and why did you waste my time? A: The “problem” with JudgmentBuy is that we tell you […]
Loose Judgment Assignments
It is important to keep track of who owns your judgment. Whoever is the original judgment owner, or the assignee of record for a judgment, has the right to try to recover it themselves or to choose another recovery solution. When a judgment debtor has assets, an unrecorded assignment of judgment should not be left […]
Local Judgments
I recently saw a judgment enforcer’s web site, where he brags that he takes all judgments – local, state, federal, tribal, international, and inter-galactic. That judgment enforcer was not a lawyer, did not own a collection agency, and he works out of his home. I think an individual has no business looking for judgments all […]
LLC Funding Risks
I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) have become very popular […]
Listing Judgment interest on Contracts
Q: There is no mention of the annual interest on the Judgment Enforcer’s purchase Agreement – why is that? A: The Judgment Enforcers’s (JE) purchase agreement form is designed to match the court-filed assignment of judgment form. There is no need to mention interest – because interest is part of the “rights and title” of […]