Lis Pendens
A “Lis Pendens” (Latin for, and sometimes called, a “pendency in action”), is a powerful legal tool that may be recorded when there is a pending legal proceeding involving real estate ownership, or potential claims over that ownership. For example, in a divorce, if there is already a dispute over who owns a property, usually […]
Lis Pendence
I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion, please consult with a lawyer if you need legal advice. There is no such thing as “took a name off of the deed”. They either sold their interest in a property, or they transferred it to someone else using a quitclaim […]
LinkedIn Endorsements
LinkedIn is a very popular networking website service for all kinds of professionals. LinkedIn has been around a long time, even before Facebook. I am a judgment broker who writes a lot. For almost a decade, I have been a (free) regular-level member at LinkedIn. Almost 1,000 members there have linked with me, mostly in […]
Liens And Probate
What if you have a fairly large judgment against someone who never did have any available assets; however recently, their widower father passed away. Dad’s two heirs are his daughter and his son, your judgment debtor. One of many judgment articles: I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion […]
Lien Priority
One of many judgment articles. There are many types of property liens, including junior liens, senior liens, first mortgages, second trust deeds; and variations of these, and other names for these basic types. I am a Judgment Broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion, please consult with a lawyer if you need […]
Lien Priorities
In judgment enforcement, when a judgment debtor has or will own real estate property; recording liens, and the lien priority can be very important. The theory is, when there is sufficient equity in a judgment debtor’s property, you get paid if their property is refinanced or sold. Usually, however not always, the first to record […]
Liening A Lawsuit
Once in a while, the best chance to recover a judgment is when your judgment debtor has an ongoing lawsuit against someone else. If your judgment debtor is suing someone else, it may be possible to lien their lawsuit. If their lawsuit is successful, your lien will attach to their judgment, providing you a chance […]
Judgment Lead Liability
I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment broker. This is just my opinion about any real or imaginary potential risks of referring judgment leads. Could a debtor or an original judgment creditor sue the Judgment Enforcer (JE)? Could the JE sue the judgment lead provider? Could a judgment lead provider be sued for […]
Levying Security Deposits
Is it possible to levy on a judgment debtor’s security deposit held by a landlord? Can a landlord refuse by saying that they need to hold the deposit until the debtor moves out? In court, landlords often prevail on third-party claims on security deposits. I am a Judgment Broker, not a lawyer, and this article […]
Levying Out Of State Banks
What if you have a judgment and your judgment debtor’s bank is in another state and has no branches (or does have branches) in the state where your court is? One of many judgment articles: I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion based on my experience, please consult […]