Judgment Transactions
Judgments are not cash, and when you get a judgment almost anything can happen. What potentially occurs, ranges between wasting a huge amount of money attempting to recover it and getting nothing back; and full repayment including all interest and costs owed. Usually, nothing is ever recovered. This article is my opinion, and not legal […]
Judgment Time Limits
When you assign your judgment to someone else, or contract it out to some other person or company: the time limits for when you might get your judgment back (usually only if the judgment enforcer was making no progress), varies a lot. Starting in 2014, many recovery specialists and attorneys have shortened the minimum times […]
Judgment Statistics
At our company, we have checked the long-term fates of more than 20,000 judgments over many years. The only good news is that our initial opinions of the judgment creditor’s actual situations (by searching only public data records on the judgment debtor) were almost always correct. The bad news is it seems that more than […]
Judgments On Credit Reports
One way to increase the chances that your judgment will be paid, is when your judgment gets placed on the judgment debtor’s credit report(s). One of many judgment articles: I am not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion based on my experience, please consult with a lawyer if you need legal advice. In […]
Judgment Solutions
I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. Laws vary in each state. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. When you own a judgment, you have only a chance of being paid. The chances […]
Judgment Show
Q: What is a Judgment Show? A: The judgment-related internet radio show that started on the CJC Music Network. The show was cancelled, because of the apathy of judgment enforcers. The show should be on BlogTalk Radio and iTunes. JudgmentBuy sponsored and created the first and original judgment radio show, hosted by JudgmentBuy. The Judgment […]
Judgment Shopping
Everyone wants the most cash for their judgment right now. Some ask for the impossible, for example 50% cash up front, or a future-pay contingency recovery charge of 10% to enforce their judgment. In this article, I discuss how to really get the highest price for your judgment, as fast as reality allows. There are […]
Judgment Shenanigans
I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. Nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice. This article is my opinion about silly beliefs that prevent judgments from being enforced. The valid reasons why judgments are not enforced are serious enough. (The number one reason is because most debtors […]
Judgment Settling Tips
For both judgment debtors and judgment creditors, there are many advantages to settling the judgment between them, when compared to the typical protracted judgment enforcement procedures to recover a judgment. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. I am a Judgment Broker, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal […]
Judgment Settling
Judgments are not just ordinary debts. They are orders of the court that earn interest. Collection costs and fees can be added to judgments. Judgments can be renewed, which sometimes compounds the rate of total interest owed. Judgments may be enforced any time a creditor (or a judgment enforcer, collection agency, or a collections lawyer) […]