Judgment Prices
Everyone that first attempts to sell their judgment for cash upfront, thinks about things such as the face value of their judgment, the interest rate, how long the judgment lasts, etc. At first, most people do not think about the most important part; the available assets of their debtor, and the economy. Most owners of […]
Why are your Judgment Statistics not Encouraging?
Q: On your web site, you guys seem more depressing than any other judgment web site, why send my judgment to you, when other sites guarantee they will get me money for my judgment? A: Why would you send your judgment to someone that lies to you? JudgmentBuy tells the truth, that most judgments are never […]
Judgment Payment Arrangements
Presuming that your judgment debtor agrees to pay off your judgment, what is a good location and method of accepting payment? Ideally, you would never meet your judgment debtor face to face, after the judgment was rendered. They might be rude, or worse. In general, it is best to get your judgment paid through the […]
What happens after I send in my judgment paperwork?
First, you send JudgmentBuy a copy of your judgment and information about your debtor. (Only your debtor’s assets can potentially pay your judgment.) Then, just wait for us (we are fast, the world is slow) to email you, telling you we found a judgment recovery or purchase solution for you. JudgmentBuy either finds you a […]
Judgment Organization
I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. It is very helpful to organize everything before you try to collect your judgment. Using basic filing and storage procedures […]
Judgment Obligations
Am I obligated when I send my judgment to JudgmentBuy? No. When JudgmentBuy quickly refers you to the best recovery solution for your judgment, based on our expertise, and you are not obligated. You are obligated only after these three things happen: 1) Our referred and recommended contingency collections lawyer, or judgment enforcer or judgment […]
Why JudgmentBuy is better than JudgmentMarketPlace
The world is big enough for two excellent choices to try to sell judgments for cash upfront, or get more money on a future-pay recovery of a judgment. For almost everyone, including nearly all judgment owners, we are very sure JudgmentBuy.com is a much better choice, for primarily these reasons:
Judgment Listing Web Sites
The web has enabled several new ways to list a judgment for sale, recovery, or trade. There are three kinds of judgment listing web sites. The first type of web listing service is a “Judgment Marketplace”, where one can buy, sell, or trade civil judgments. They let creditors dream of imaginary prices, compared to Judgmentbuy […]
Judgment Listings
JudgmentBuy used to have the best website listing of judgment leads ever. As the number of recovery experts, contingency lawyers, and aggressive collection companies signed up with JudgmentBuy exponentially increased to the point – where we can refer all judgments same day to the best possible solution. There is no longer a need to list […]
Judgment Liens
I am the nation’s only Judgment Broker, and I am not a lawyer. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. If your judgment debtor currently has equity in property, or will likely (someday) inherit one or more […]