Judgment Databases
Everyone that works to recover more than a few judgments can benefit from buying and using a database specifically designed for keeping track of judgments. Databases are amazing, they can do so much more than any spreadsheet, and can help keep anyone more organized. Sometimes the best databases are the ones you design yourself. I […]
Judgment Collection
I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer. This is my opinion about what I have learned and observed. If you need legal advice, contact a lawyer (See our National Lawyer State Bar List). The easy part was getting the judge to agree with you, to get your judgment. At every courthouse – there should be […]
A Checklist For Judgments
Every judgment is a situation, where anything can happen. Some proposed judgments are settled in court and do not become final. In such cases, even though the creditor had to settle, they did far better than most judgment creditors do; because they actually got paid something. Most judgment owners do not get paid at all, […]
Judgment Captions
Captions are the words and formatting at the top of the first page of all filed-court documents. Captions list the court, the jurisdiction, the case number, and the names of the original plaintiff(s) and defendants(s). Within the caption area at the top of the first page, there is space for the court to stamp its […]
JudgmentBuy Is Unique
Q. What is unique about JudgmentBuy, and what is the history of your company? A: About our history, we used to enforce judgments for a decade or so. Then we discovered what was best for everyone, and what we are best at since 2001: JudgmentBuy. JudgmentBuy is unique as we were the first to combine the […]
Does JudgmentBuy Slow Things Down?
Q. Will JudgmentBuy’s referral system slow the enforcement or sale of my judgment? A: Not at all. Almost always, we speed up the recovery or sale of your judgment. If you have a good judgment, where the debtor has much more available assets than is required to satisfy the judgment, it will usually be recovered […]
Judgment Buying
Everyone wants to sell their judgment for cash up front. However, judgments are not cash. A judgment’s value is either nothing or unknown, unless and until the judgment is enforced. Most judgments are never sold for much cash upfront due to the economy. Most judgments are never enforced and for reasons including their expiration, become […]
JudgmentBuy helps recover Judgments
What is JudgmentBuy’s role in enforcing judgments? JudgmentBuy is a judgment enforcement catalyst. JudgmentBuy helps judgment and debt owners get paid more quickly. As Judgment Brokers, we charge judgment owners nothing, make things simple, and improve the results from recovering money from, or selling a judgment. See our What is a Judgment Broker? article. JudgmentBuy is the […]
JudgmentBuy Explained
Some people have already heard of, or know about JudgmentBuy. I am writing this article to tell people that this company is not a scam, and really helps judgment owners, and enforcers, collection lawyers, and collection agencies. I know a good company when I see one, because my job is to review companies. I have […]
JudgmentBuy Improves in 2012
For years, JudgmentBuy.com, has been the best solution to start any judgment recovery or sale. As of June 27, 2012, JudgmentBuy has made several important improvements which have delighted judgment owners worldwide. More improvements are coming soon. John Adams, manager of JudgmentBuy.com explains, over the last few years we learned: 1) The cash up-front judgment […]