How long it takes to Enforce a judgment?

This is the one question that judgment enforcers hear so often, it makes them sigh. Almost everyone (who has never tried to enforce a judgment) vastly underestimates the time and money it takes to enforce most judgments. Even in the old days of lots of home equity, and most debtors working at high-paying jobs – […]

How Judgment Enforcers Work

It is frustrating to settle or win a lawsuit, and then not being able to legally make your debtor pay. There are many ways a debtor can avoid paying what they owe. Sometimes they hide assets, and then file for bankruptcy. When faced with an uncooperative debtor, many people decide to find a Judgment Enforcer […]

How has the economy affected the judgment business?

This economy is bad, and it affects judgment enforcers as much or more than other businesses. The good news is more people are dusting off their old judgments, and finding us. The bad news is the economy tends to affect debtors even more than the rest of us. Liens on upside-down property do not result […]

How hard do Judgment Enforcers try?

Judgment Enforcers (JE) are only paid for results, so it is very likely they will try to recover money from your judgment debtor. JEs try to treat everyone with respect. JEs are patient until they find the debtor’s assets. After the JE finds the judgment debtors assets, they are quick and often successful. How much […]

How do I know you are not a Fraud?

Q: The last Judgment Enforcer I used was a fraud. They took my judgment and did absolutely nothing. When I wanted it back, they charged me an outrageous fee. They were crooks, how do I know you or your judgment enforcers are not crooks and going to do the same to me? A: We are […]

Get started with JudgmentBuy

When you want to get money for your judgment, send it to JudgmentBuy. Send us a copy of your judgment, and what you know about the debtor – including the address they were served at, their current address, and your mailing address and telephone.   (If you have it, please also send us a copy […]

How Companies Dissolve

A dissolved corporation ceases to (properly and/or legally) exist, and the effect this has on its shareholders depends on the way the company was dissolved. One of many judgment articles: I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion, please consult with a lawyer if you need legal advice. Avoiding […]

How are you different?

Q: Your web site explains how things work with judgment enforcers enforcing judgments. Do all judgment enforcers work the way you suggest on your web site FAQ? A: JudgmentBuy’s web site tells you (generally) what to expect when judgments are enforced. JudgmentBuy is unique because we work carefully to refer you to the best-qualified judgment […]

How are Judgment Graded?

Class A Judgment: We know where most or all of the debtor’s available assets are, and the judgment debtor owns property and also nice vehicles. The debtor is not bankrupt, few or no other judgments against them. not in jail, no crime record, and has a steady income. Proof of Service was good, and the debtor showed […]

Hot Potato Judgments

Hot potato judgments are tough judgments that no judgment enforcer, collection agency, or contingency lawyer wants to take or keep. Such judgments are “hot potatoes” because they are passed around quickly, and nobody wants to hold onto them for long. A hot potato judgment is shown to many people who turn it down. Sometimes (and […]