How do I know you are not a Fraud?

August 11, 2023

Q: The last Judgment Enforcer I used was a fraud. They took my judgment and did absolutely nothing. When I wanted it back, they charged me an outrageous fee. They were crooks, how do I know you or your judgment enforcers are not crooks and going to do the same to me?

A: We are sorry to hear about this. There are too many frauds in our world. We do not know the details of how much you were charged. If the debtor had no assets, and you were charged what the Judgment Enforcer (JE) actually spent to record liens, then our guess is you were not defrauded at all. If you were charged unreasonable fees far above what the JE actually spent, then perhaps there was some level of fraud, or at least some level of shenanigans.

Judgment Enforcers (JEs) referred by JudgmentBuy are the best and would never do this to you. When picking a Judgment Enforcer (JE), make sure they have recovered at least 10 judgments.

If you prefer, JudgmentBuy will refer you to a collection lawyer or collection agency so you can retain ownership of your judgment.

What does the average JE charge when returning a judgment, if they cannot quickly enforce your judgment and you and you both agree for the JE to assign it back to you?

The answer is usually the JE’s court-related costs. For example – a judgment that a JE spent a total of $130 on enforcement or assignment actions. The $130 can be (or already has been) approved by the court, which is then added to the debtor’s debt. You would pay the JE $130 to get the judgment assigned back into your name, and the $130 is added to your judgment debtor’s debt.

Note that the JE does not have to assign the judgment back to you. It is up to them – and in cases (including but not limited to) when they have an ongoing payment method in progress, or it has been less than a year, they would most likely not assign the judgment back to you. Most JEs are reasonable and it is up to the JE alone. This is the legal position they must constantly maintain. The JE is the owner of the judgment. JEs are not obligated to assign a judgment back to you unless they want to.

(John Adams)   –   Now, about frauds, frauds got me started in this business. For that, I thank them. Everyone who has met or done business with me knows that I am not a fraud.

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