I Want A Judgment Buyer,Not A Broker!

August 11, 2023

Q: I want my judgment money ASAP. I don’t think I want a judgment broker or a judgment matchmaker, I want my judgment money ASAP. If your company does not buy or recover my judgment, how can you help me get paid faster?

A: Judgments are not cash, they are not even like stocks or bonds or houses. The value of a judgment is unknown until and unless it is potentially recovered. To try and sell a judgment for cash, first see our articles about Selling Your Judgment For Cash and Why Cash Up Front Prices Are Falling.

JudgmentBuy is the best way to find an actual judgment buyer (if you sell for a realistic price) in every state.

Not all judgments can be sold for cash up-front above a tiny amount. Most of the time you will get far more money on a future-pay contingency basis. There is a big difference between finding any judgment enforcer quickly, and having JudgmentBuy quickly refer you to the right judgment buyer or enforcer, agency, or contingency collections lawyer – that will recover your judgment as quickly, and for as much money as reality allows.

JudgmentBuy saves you from having to find, interview, and decide who might be the right judgment enforcer. JudgmentBuy very quickly finds the one right judgment enforcer that will have the best chance at both accepting your judgment, and recovering your judgment money. We save you a lot of time, and we vastly increase the chances for your success in collecting money from your judgment.

JudgmentBuy is so fast, usually we find you a best-matched judgment enforcement solution in less than one business day. The Judgment enforcement solution we find, will be a better match for your judgment than you could find in months of searching. If you want money for your judgment as quickly as possible, send it to JudgmentBuy.

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In what state does your debtor reside in? *
Please estimate the original amount of your judgment. *
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Please upload a copy of your judgment if available
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